How Decline in Research Funding Threatens Future Scientific Advancement – Infographic

Brain Research Foundation Infographic
Early-stage or basic research is the fundamental core of future scientific advancement.

Basic science increases knowledge and understanding while providing the basis for future scientific breakthroughs. In addition, it drives economic growth through new technologies and is vital to finding novel treatments and cures.

However, Federal R&D funding as a percentage of the total federal budget is declining, stunting scientists’ research projects.

The National Institute of Aging can only fund 6% of scientists currently applying for funds. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has also been severely affected. Funding in such a modest setting requires researchers to obtain seed grants to prove their work’s importance.

A recent study indicated the following results from top scientific researchers:

  • Nearly 50% of researchers abandon an area of investigation “central” to the laboratory’s mission due to lack or loss of funding.
  • Less than 75% of science and engineering doctorate holders employed in academe hold full-time faculty positions. This figure is down from 90% in the 1970s.

Many talented scientists leave the arena altogether, unable to secure funding to keep laboratories open and maintain their careers.

This begs the question: “What can we do?”

  • Contact your legislator and ask them to support increased essential R&D funding.
  • Donate to a charity or foundation that supports early-stage research.
  • Share this information with a friend through social media or email.

The value of funding The Brain Research Foundation is undisputable in the quest for the organization’s growth, progress, and development and the work it does. With your generosity, our growth is strong, and possibly so is somebody close to you. We depend upon the goodwill and charity of our donors. We need financial assistance to be able to progress. This is how we innovate, explore, and discover.

Read more: How Decline in Research Funding Threatens Future Scientific Advancement – Infographic PDF

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