BRF 2020-2021 Impact Report
Breakthroughs in science don’t all come from a single, predictable path. Sometimes researchers start with one idea but are led in a different direction by their results or the results of other scientists. Or a new tool enables scientists to approach an old question in an innovative way.
Brain Research Foundation understands that advances in science often happen where ideas, tools, and different scientists’ work intersect. That’s why for more than 65 years the Foundation has focused on funding visionary scientists who see opportunities in forging new paths.
BRF grants are often the bridge these ground-breaking scientists need to get a new idea off the ground, to build new tools, or to generate the data necessary to secure more funding. By supporting ground-breaking work BRF helps set the trajectory of brain research and builds momentum towards discoveries that will yield major advances in neuroscience.
Annual Reports
Every two years, we release an annual report that highlights the developments we’ve made, the grants we’ve awarded, and the innovative research being done in the field of neuroscience.
Power in Numbers
For every dollar BRF awards, our grantees have secured, on average, $30 in future funding from other grant programs to continue their research.
Since 1981, our grant programs have supported 686 scientists in their pursuit of furthering brain research.
BRF has provided more than $51 million toward neuroscience research.
As a non-profit, Form 990 details all the financials of the Foundation, providing ultimate transparency for the funds we receive and grants we award.
Policy Forms
The following forms and policies establish the ethical standards for members and associates of the Foundation.