Carrie Walters
Carrie Walters is a proud member of the Brain Research Foundation Young Leadership Board, and is excited to support and further the Foundation’s mission. With her lifelong interest in brain research and psychology, she is thrilled to take on a leadership role with BRF.
Carrie graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a certificate in French, and was involved in Dr. Vanessa Simmering’s SPACE research lab. As a student lab assistant she worked with Dr. Simmering on a number of studies, all aiming to further the understanding of cognitive development in children and their processing of visuo-spatial information. Carrie was particularly inspired by her studies, and is looking forward to getting involved with such a cutting-edge organization.
Carrie works in private wealth management as a Senior Managing Director Assistant at Alliance Bernstein. She is originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, and lives in Chicago.