Lauren Mandel
Lauren Mandel is proud to serve as co-chair of the Brain Research Foundation Young Leadership Board. Lauren’s mother suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2000 and passed away from complications in 2020. Lauren knows firsthand how devastating neurological disorders can be not only for patients, but for their families and caretakers, as well. She supports all types of brain research with the understanding that the brain is extremely interconnected, so a discovery in one area of the brain can lead to breakthroughs in many more.
Lauren is the Senior Director of Marketing at PartySlate, an event marketing platform based in Chicago. She specializes in content strategy, content creation, and digital marketing. In addition to her full-time role, Lauren works as a freelance writer and marketing consultant for various brands and publications, including The Everygirl, Refinery29, and HGTV.
Lauren graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. She is originally from Highland Park, Ill., and currently lives in Chicago.